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Tuesday, 18 November 2014

How do I tell my ex I’m pregnant for him?

I found out that I’m pregnant and my ex-boyfriend is the father. We have broken up before I found out I was pregnant. He’s going out with another girl now and acts like he doesn’t want anything to do with me! I don’t know how to tell him. I don’t also know how to tell my parents or his parents .I don’t want to go through this as a single parent. What should I do?
Laide, Akure
Dear Laide, 
Since one cannot cover up pregnancy, you need to tell your ex and your parents. Many parents, perhaps most, will be more supportive than you imagine. Maybe people close to them, have gone through similar experiences. They may be upset at first, and disappointed; but, trust that they will help you decide about your next steps. However, if you are afraid they would be so upset that they might harm you, you may decide to share your situation first with someone else very close to you, maybe a favourite teacher at school or a health care provider.
Your ex-boyfriend and his parents may or may not be involved in your present or future decisions but as hard as it will be, it is inevitable that you face them and sit down with one or both of your parents, soon.

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