An email I just received. Read below...
I really don't know where to start from, I'm going
to make it brief. I
have lived in my grandmother's house all my life because my dad was at
one point not able to foot the bills, till he had a stroke and died, my
grandmother took care of me raised me up and sent me to school. Now I am
23 years old with a good job. I fend for myself and cater to my
grandmother's need. I have an aunt in the house that terrorizes us all. She beats me up, bites me at every point she gets.
She started staying
with us when she was deported from London a couple of years and things
have been really crazy since she started living with us, my
grandmother's company, she ran down, at one point she has stabbed my
grandmother, just a couple of days back we had an argument and she
decorated my body with trophies of bites and scratches. The last time
she bit(bite)my face because I went out without telling her. There's
absolutely nothing she doesn't tell people about me(bad) , and this hate
results from the fact that my dad was the first born and she feels my
grandmother's properties is going to be given to me (and am totally not
interested ). Now my problem is this I don't feel safe in my home
anymore, I can't eat at home, am not happy and it's affecting my
concentration at work and my professional exams I am writing, I want to
leave and get my own place but how do I leave my grandmother that took
care of me, I don't want it to seem like am ungrateful cause that's the
last image I want to portray, she has fought so many battles for me and
also will she be safe?
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